Wrapping up Prague.

4 06 2010

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

Over the past 20 days we have been to three different major cities in two countries. It was a whirlwind of people watching, cultural observations, agency visits, and many adventures. Blogging was a daily occurrence and countless hours went into our class.

Speaking of our class, I looked back over my first post in Prague and realized that my initial observations went anywhere close to reality. I was focusing way too much on the physical attributes rather than targeting in on the many whys and whats of the matter.

Why does a Czech drive a car?

What do they value in a car?

Why don’t people with a car use public transportation?

What motivates someone to use a car?

These questions can go on and on. They all relate to one factor: emotional connection. The emotional connection that a Czech has with his/her car is the essential aspect that I have been trying to figure out.

Bringing everything together, I have noticed through my ethnographic research that people in the Czech Republic view cars as precious. An object that is sacred to them. An item that is proving to the world of their status.



One response

4 06 2010

One of my favorite quotes. The perfect reminder for this class.

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